Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Drought With No End In Sight

Lat two days were 111 degrees.  Today 106.  I think we've received 0.11" of rain this month.  Corn is already being harvested to cut losses and let farmers break even.  Until we get rain we can only dream of thunder.  I found this last evening while working on server issues.  I'm not a tech guy, but it gave me time to surf old photo files and see some things I hadn't posted.  This storm was a nice electrical one from May 30th, 2012.  Brown haze on clouds are city lights from Wichita.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

But You Will Never Know the Wonders I've Seen

I was a huge fan of Farscape when it was on, now with the magic of Netflix I've been catching up on past episodes.  Really one of the best sci-fi shows on TV.

There are clouds on the horizon and a cold front on the way, but we've only received 0.11" of rain this month and everything is parched.  There is only a 30% chance of rain. Hope for the best.

Instead of pictures of scorched earth and dying corn stalks, something a little different.

Space Stuff per Space.com.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and has a thin atmosphere, no air pressure and an extremely high temperature.

Source Space.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration

Monday, July 16, 2012

Billions and Billions of Stars

I went out to a nice location in the middle of nowhere last night and tried some more galactic photography.  Something odd was happening with the fisheye lens and I couldn't focus well.  These shots were taken near Marion Lake in Kansas.  These shots were taken looking to the north (hopefully glimpsing a little auroral activity.  You might see some streaks of light in the photos, these were satellites passing overhead.

The white haze in the photograph was the spiral arm of the milky way.

Train coming, not sure what city that was to the east of my location.  Maybe Peabody.

Train, may crop this, love how it lights up the trees.

strange effect with the fisheye lens.

Monday, July 9, 2012

More Pop Ups 07/08/2012

Another round of little thunderstorms with little to no movement and no rain for my area.  Lots of thunder but little visible lightning.  This was not severe.
Rather large panoramic photo of the storm initializing.

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Storm had died at this point.  I like how the anvil is withering. 

Pop Up Storms 07/07/2012

It's been dry for a long time. With the devistating wild fires in Colorado it was nice to see rain, even though it was at a distance.  One of my old haunts lovingly referred to as the perch now has high power floodlights.  I stood beside the building and used a quick shutter speed to drown it out and the city lights over Wichita.

Not sure what this hit.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Moment of Science

Find out about the new subatomic particle that scientists believe could be the elusive Higgs boson, in today's LiveScience GoFigure infographic.
Source:LiveScience There is a drought. Nothing else going on.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Welcome to the Dry Season

Not too much going on weather wise. Dry, hot, and fire season. The moon looked awesome 4th of July eve. I saw it rising red as we left the fireworks stand, ran home and got the camera.