This is a fairly serious blog that you won't hear as much of my explosive writing.
I am a storm chaser. Scratch that. I freaking worship storms. You have your tree
huggers, I'm a tornado hugger. Don't try it, hurts like Hell.
This time of year I'm like a kid at
Christmas. My wife laughs at me because when a decent storm comes up I usually have the radio going loud, running to the computer to check radars, and running outside to see what's going on. Okay, it's more like a
tweaker on
Don't do drugs kids. Seriously. The drug companies will own us all someday.
With life being usually complicated, I have a baby due SOON. Like in the next ten days. This really makes me rethink about all the chasing and the close calls I've had. There have been a few, and this baby makes number two.
I don't think that I'll give it up. I can't. Storm chasing is one of my strongest passions in life, stronger than my need to write.