Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's Been a While, Night Storm 092014

It's been another dry season.  We will take the rain when we can get it.  One previous band moved through with a lot of lightning and while heading home from an event, saw this storm building to the NW and stealing a lot of power from the previous line.  A small cold front moved though the area triggering the rain.

The storm started with a lot of lightning then suddenly died off.  These were located out between Hutchinson and Lindsborg around 10:30PM and were non-severe storms.

Ribbon of light cause by cars passing on Oliver.

Central storm.  Another developed along side it.

First nighttime pano.  30 second exposure, lights are from Valley Center.

Lots of cloud to cloud lightning, this was one of the few cloud to ground (CG) strikes.

Another CG strike

I wish I had this light trail with the previous CG strike.  I could Photoshop but have always been against Photoshoping unless it's basic adjusting.