Saturday, April 30, 2011

‎. . . horrific and violent acts of nature.

‎. . . horrific and violent acts of nature was quoted by local weatherman Leon Smitherman.  I think this above all sums up the storms this week.  I chase for the fact that I can warn the public, but I also chase because I truly believe this is the raw power of nature.  I think this also reminds us that even though we get tired of our shows being interrupted by the weathermen, and sometimes ask why do I need to know about a tornado in Wichita at the Colorado border, that there is a human toll.  Watches and Warnings save lives, and it becomes dangerous when we become complacent.  
This aerial photo from Thursday, April 28, 2011, shows damage to an east Tuscaloosa neighborhood. (The Birmingham News/Joe Songer)

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