Friday, June 7, 2024

May 19th, 2024

There were discussions about a derecho and possible tornados breaking out on the leading edge.  

We drove up to Coronado Heights and watched the storm.  It was coming into Salina so we went a little further north to catch it.  Salina Airport reported 100mph winds.
We were seeing little fingerling funnels form and dissipate on the leading edge.

Tornadoes were west of our location in Russel County. We did not see any actual tornadoes.

Storm gaining maturity. Definite greenage in the center. Didn't get close enough to see what sized hail was coming out. SPC reported nearly 2 inch hail.
The storms leading edge crawling along.
Some rotation in the storm adding striated clouds.
These were taken at Bethany College in Lindsborg. The storm was building to the south.
The large "funnel" near the lights wasn't. Just an amazing scary looking cloud. I watched for rotation and didn't see any, then it dissipated within a minute.
All in all a beautiful storm that caused some havoc for the Salina area. We moved slowly back to Wichita and turned around when Newton to our north went tornado warned. Oddly, we couldn't see the wall of storm coming in. Then suddenly I noticed shelf clouds above us and we were blasted with high winds. There were tree limbs flying around and some power sparking. Luckily, we were able to get out quickly.  Unfortunately, it hit us so quick we didn't take pictures. Live and learn.


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